Thursday 28 January 2016

... If your wondering why the title of this blog is introduction it is because everything you do In life it was once your first, growing up this world can be hard and that is something we learn to deal with but for some people it can be extra hard. So if you know someone who is having a hard time in the point of life that their in, try and help them out, even if your just asking how they are or giving them a hug it all helps. Everyone needs to be introduced to things , you get introduced to new things almost everyday even if you dont realise, but although you learn all these things there is still so much that you will never know and that's nothing to be afraid of . So dont worry about not being smart enough or that you dont make people proud because everyone has pride and intelligence, if you fall or someone knocks you down just get straight back up. After all 'the greater your storm, the brighter your rainbow!' this is bloggerbae signing out xxxxxx


welcome to my blog!
this is a new a blog I have just started and If you are reading this then you have just witnessed the start of my soon to be obsession. My username is bloggerbae because I look up to youtubers like Joe Sugg, Zoe Sugg,Marcus Butler and Alfie Deyes. Zoe Sugg known as Zoella on youtube started of writing a blog because she couldn't contain everything she was thinking and that is the reason that I too am creating a blog. In my blog there may be stories, reviews, pictures or something completely random. For now I'm signing out, bloggerbae
. xxxxxx